City-state located in the south of the Malay Peninsula, at only 137km north of the equator. Mainly populated by descendants of Chinese, but also of Malay and Indian. The diversity of languages, cultures and religions can be seen everywhere in the architecture, the food traditions, ... and these are all reasons to visit this modern Asian city. Tourists will enjoy clean and green environment, meet modernity and traditions. Due to its geographical position, Singapore is the gateway to Southeast Asian countries, or a step between Europe and Australia.
Singapore is a conservative society based on heterosexual family. After review of Penal Code in 2007, oral and anal sex were legalised for heterosexuals and lesbians, but not for male homosexuals. Sexual activity between consenting men is still considered as gross indecency. Though in recent years, many gay venues, massages, sauna, have opened and gay Singaporeans are no more hidden.
Sexual activity between men is illegal. Therefore, discretion is required.
Qu'est ce que vous recherchez à Singapour ?
LockerRoom Bar
43 Neil Road, Chinatown
Classe, chic, thème de bar des sports
liste de cocktails internationaux, bonne sélection de bières et de vins |
mixte |
Tantric Bar
78 Neil Road, Chinatown
au coeur du quartier gay
beaucoup de monde le week-end |
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Taboo Bar
65 Neil Road, Chinatown
Bar branché, un bon endroit pour rencontrer des amis Singapouriens |
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Mox Bar & Café
21 Tanjong Pagar Road, #04-01
décor inspirés des années 60 et 70 |
mixte |
Backstage Bar
13A Trengganu Street (corner of Temple street)
bar cozy au coeur de Chinatown |
mixte |